Who are we?

HELP THE CHILDREN is a non-profit organisation that was created in 2022 with the aim of helping orphans, internally displaced persons and destitute families in Cameroon.

Reasons for our existence.

In view of the conflicts that have been raging for several years in the English-speaking regions of Cameroon, resulting in many internally displaced persons, and the increasingly difficult living conditions in Cameroon, many families are unable to provide for their children.

On the one hand, we have many children who do not go to school, who do not even have enough to eat, who are mostly abandoned by parents who cannot make ends meet.

On the other hand, we have internally displaced persons who have fled the war to take refuge in the French-speaking area, and who do not even have a place to stay, nor food or clothing, and their children are not in school.

And finally we have orphans who have no one in the world to rely on. It is in view of these social ills that are currently rampant in Cameroon that the charity HELP THE CHILDREN was born in 2022.

Among other things, we aim to :

Enable children to attend and have a good education.

Enable every child to have food and clothing.

Give a home to every internally displaced family.

Participate in the development of children.

Give children a smile.

Our objective.